Lottery News Method (LNM): Our expert Lottery Analyst researches lottery news events everyday on that site to generate winning lottery number combinations for novice or seasoned lottery players. Go to that website, click on the link: News or Lottery News. You will see both old and current news events related to the lottery. There is also www.lottery.com with the same type of news feeds as the previously mentioned site. Another source for news events albeit unrelated to market news in the lottery industry is www.npr.org/sections/news. This website contains up-to-date information on local, national or world news.
-Up To 30 Sets of QUALITY Lottery Numbers: 2, 3, 4 or 5 digits. In some states the daily Pick 2, Pick-3, Pick-4 and Pick 5 games are called by different names. Whatever the name of your daily pick games are, if they involve choosing one number from each column of 0-to-9 numbers in 2, 3, 4 or 5 column digit format, Apollo's Fortune Telling™ service will apply to those games!
-Seasonal Timing Factor: We use utilize astrology, numerology and biorythm theory; so, every lottery player will receive his/her best day or period of good fortune to play the lottery.
-Fast 24 Hour Analysis: Sometimes analysis can take up to 72 hours.
-30 Day Cash Back Guarantee: We are so confident in our service, that if you use it for 30 consecutive days and do not have any winning draws we'll GIVE YOUR CASH BACK.
-Socialize In A Group Chat: Engage the lottery community with reading and posting in our WhatsApp™ group chat (50 State Network™). There you will learn more about lottery tips, tricks and strategies with user generated content by other group members.